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How to get Involved


We are looking for people who would like to contribute in any way to our cause. If you or someone you know has access or influence over any advertising space or other empty space where we can present an impactful positive information, images, educational or public service message, or fascinating uplifting story please contact us.
Here are some examples of the general categories of information that we seek to communicate:

  • Evidence of how we are all connected – using examples from science, history, ancient wisdom and YOUR real life experiences.

  • Worthy Causes: Non-profit and other little known philanthropic projects in need of communication of their mission, and necessary resources

  • Inventions and Technologies: Inventors with devices that can bring about global solutions, who are in need of resources to manufacture, market, and bring these solutions to the public.

  • Scientific Discoveries: Amazing scientific discoveries that affect even the average person’s day-to-day life.

  • Miracles….


The Possibilities are Endless. Monetary contributions are also valuable as they allow us to further our goals and acquire prominent educational and public service announcement space.


Global Discoveries Network Foundation (GDNFo)
1110 Sunset Hills Road, #3412, Reston, Virginia 20195
1-888-98GDNFO (1-888-984-3636)

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