Submit a Gem
If you have what you think constitutes a “Good Info Gem” in the making, please submit the details to us in the following format using the form that follows.
Some of the categories include
Evidence of how we are all connected – using examples from science, history, ancient wisdom and YOUR real life experiences.
Worthy Causes: Non-profit and other little known philanthropic projects in need of communication of their mission, and necessary resources.
Inventions and Technologies: Inventors with devices that can bring about global solutions, who are in need of resources to manufacture, market, and bring these solutions to the public.
Scientific Discoveries: Unbelievable scientific discoveries that affect even the average person’s day-to-day life.
Other Unique Positive News and Information Categories we may not have mentioned above
Provide a brief catchy phrase or short paragraph describing the essence of the gem.For example it may begin with:
Did you know that…?
Science has proven that…